


The Directorate-Ge私人貸款最低息neral of Highways (DGH) yesterday said that it would discuss with the Ministry of La有信用瑕疵貸款bor the best way to regulate the working hours of tour bus drivers, after it was reported that the tour bus driver killed in a freeway accident in Taipei on Monday night had worked 18 days consecutively and 16 hours per day.


The regulations stipulate that bus drivers must not drive more than 10 hours per day 車貸銀行有哪些花蓮哪裡可以借錢and that they should take at least a 30-minute break when they drive consecutively for four hours.

Chen on Tuesday said that the work hours of the tour 車貸利率算法bus drivers are counted only when their hands are on the steering wheel, which stirred public anger.

Should they prefer to take multiple small breaks instead of one 30-minute break, each break must be no less than車貸利息計算公式 15 minutes.

The regulations are sim房屋增貸利率i車貸利率如何計算lar to those used in the UK, Chen said.

“I青年首次購屋優惠房貸2017條件f a one-day tour requires the bus to travel a long distance, the Tourism Bureau could ask travel agencies to have two drivers on board. The bureau could also ban the sale of such tours,” Wang said.

房貸成數不足新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES

Drivers can adjust their break times if they are stuck in traffic and mu青年首購貸款財政部st continue driving.

The rest can be eight consecutive hours if there is a change of shift, but the adjustment must not occur more than two times per week or consecutively.

房屋二胎利息By法拍屋貸款申請 Shelley Shan / Staff 青年創業貸款資格reporter

Directorate-General of Highways Director-General Chen Yen-po (陳彥伯) said that the government had consulted the regulations of other nations when it stipulated the rules on tour bus drivers’ working hours in the Transportation Management 房屋修繕貸款2017Regulations (汽車運輸業管理規則).

He said he had just been trying to explain the difference between the duration of a tour and the driving time, as people tend to confuse the two time periods, Chen said.

Some nations use the former to limit drivers’ working hours, while others clearly state the number of hours a driver can work per day, he said.

Chiao Tung University transportation and logistics management department associate professor Wang Jin-yuan (王晉元) suggested that tour bus operators be asked to arrange two drivers for each bus on long-distance tours, similar to the regulat青年創業貸款上課ions enfo汽車融資貸款rced in Germany.

However, the arr花旗銀行預借現金angement would definitely increase companies’ operating costs and consumers must realize that safety comes at a price, Wang said.

In addition, drivers should have a rest 汽車貸款利率試算of at 車貸繳不出來要賣車l青年購屋首貸e房貸利率比較2017ast 10 consecutive hours between working days.

The regulations also stipulate that the maximum consecutive driv房貸試算表excel下載ing time is six hours and drivers must take a 45-minute break afterward.



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